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A mostly functional version is in the ST library as file #22000 201 message(s) total. ************ ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 1 Fri Dec 27, 1991 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 23:13 EST Hello, my name is Roger Richards and I wrote GEMvelope, an envelope printer. If any users out there have any questions, I'd be glad to answer them. ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 2 Sat Dec 28, 1991 W.LORING1 [BL.A.ST] at 01:25 EST Hey Roger, How's it going. I just d/l'ed the latest, but I haven't looked at it yet. I'll let you know what I think. ...bill ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 3 Wed Jan 01, 1992 W.PIKE [PACMan] at 06:23 EST I have a HP Deskjet. I am very interested if your program would work on my printer. It appears that it wouldn't. Do you have a version that would? If you do would you send me GEMail regarding the cost and avability. Thanks W.PIKE ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 4 Wed Jan 01, 1992 L.BUDNICK [Lorne] at 22:14 EST I tried the program using my HPDJ 500. I could not get it to consistantly print in the same position on an envelope. Using the "Flip printout" option makes it possible to position the envelope directly in front of two of the feed rollers, but the envelope doesn't seem to feed consistantly when printing is requested. It would be nice to find a way of using your program with the DJ. The FSMGDOS output is excellent. ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 5 Thu Jan 02, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 00:16 EST W. Pike, GEMvelope will work with a DeskJet. I don't have one (and had my doubts after seeing one) but there is a man on GEnie who tried it and it works! If you line up the bottom of the envelope, with the center edge of the second feed roller from the right, as your facing the DeskJet and adjust the Offset setting properly, it should work. I am going to get further details and post them here. Also, this if for standard 9 1/2 x 4 1/8" envelopes. The cost of GEMvelope is $30 post paid (either US Mail or GEnie Email) and is currently shipping! The address is in the README.TXT file in the archive. ................................clip....................................... GEMvelope 2.6 order form Send me GEMvelope 2.6 ($30):_____ Upgrade 2.6 ($10):______ (Those upgrading must have previously purchased GEMvelope 2.0 or later.) Name:_____________________________________________________________ Addr:_____________________________________________________________ City:________________________________ St:____________ ZIP:___________ Email address (GEnie prefered or CIS):___________________________ Would you like the update to be shipped by: U.S.Mail:______ or GEnie Email:______ Computer:______________________________________ Memory:____________ Printer:_______________________________________ Suggestions:_________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 6 Thu Jan 02, 1992 W.LORING1 [BL.A.ST] at 23:42 EST Roger, Have you considered having a DeskJet setting in GEMvelope? Since the DJ can feed envelopes 'normally', there is not really a need to rotate the output like you do on laser printers. ...bill ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 7 Fri Jan 03, 1992 A.WESTON [Alan] at 23:18 EST Ditto the suggestion for a DeskJet mode in GEMvelope. One of the features of the DeskJet is the ability to feed envelopes. An envelope printing utility should take advantage of this. I would buy a program that would allow me to easily handle envelopes in my DeskJet. I'm sure others would too. ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 8 Fri Jan 03, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 23:42 EST Bill, correct me if I am wrong, but the deskjet will not feed an envelope that is 9 1/2" wide (standard #10 business envelope)? I thought that it would be too wide. Let me know. Thanks, ...Roger ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 9 Sat Jan 04, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 00:05 EST Instructions from a user of GEMvelope who has had success in reliably printing #10 envelopes (4 1/8" x 9 1/2") on the DeskJet: Set the "Offset" adjustment to 0.375. Do not have "Flip page" selected. Line up the bottom of the envelope, with the center edge of the second feed roller from the right, as your facing the DeskJet. Start printing. I hope this helps you DeskJet owners out there. If any of you would try this and let me know how it works for you, I would appreciate it. ...Roger Memeber IAAD ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 10 Sat Jan 04, 1992 W.PIKE [PACMan] at 06:54 EST A number 10 envelope is the only type of envelope that fits directly into a DeskJet 500. There is also a command to feed the envelope it is: Ec&/3H. The command to set form length to envelope is: Ec&/81A. Hope the info helps. An envelope printing program the prints the zip bar code, Wow! Thanks W.PIKE ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 11 Sat Jan 04, 1992 W.LORING1 [BL.A.ST] at 17:18 EST Roger, As PACMan said, yes. (g) The DeskJet feeds envelopes fairly well. If you're interested in developing more for the DeskJet, let me know. I can loan you my documentation at the next ASCII meeting. ...bill ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 12 Mon Jan 06, 1992 DHAMM [DAVE HAMM] at 00:05 EST Well I'm not Bill,but that is incorrect. The manual for the DJ500 says to only use #10 business envelopes or DL (European)size. The Classic DeckJet said the same thing. 12:59:52 amSaturday, January 4, 1992 - David Hamm ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 13 Mon Jan 06, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 18:08 EST So let me get this streight, the DeskJet will feed #10 envelopes. But does it feed them starting with the long 9 1/2" edge? That would be much preferable to feeding them the narrow way (90 deg. rotated) that most laser printers require. Does that mean that the DeskJet can print a page a full 9 1/2" wide? I guess I'm going to have to borrow one and see. ...Roger ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 14 Mon Jan 06, 1992 A.WESTON [Alan] at 20:12 EST Roger, The DeskJet feeds a 9 1/2" envelope, and it doesn't have to rotate the text. You simply lay the envelope upside down in the feed tray. No, the DeskJet cannot print a 9.5" page. With normal paper (in portrait mode) the DeskJet has a 1/4" unprintable region on each side of the page. That's the max. But envelopes use a different feed path. This allows for the wider paper width, but the printer still treats the page as being 8.5" wide. So you get an extra 1/2" margin on each side. ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 15 Tue Jan 07, 1992 D.CHARTER at 20:06 EST Roger, Yes they load with the long edge towards the printer, not sideways. Duane ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 16 Tue Mar 24, 1992 NEVIN-S at 18:32 EST Hello there. I'm a big fan of GEMvelope (as you know), but I do have one question. I printed out an envelope to myself, and the barcode is different than the barcode on envelopes from various bills I receive. My home zip code is 10011-2726. The barcode from GEMvelope is: |...||||...||......||...||..|.||...|..|.|.||.......| and on my bills it is |...||||...||......||...||..|.||...|..|.|.||..||...| As you can see, only the last 8 bars are different. Is there more than one way to do a Post Office bar code, or is there a problem with GEMvelope? Thanks for any info. You've got a very nice program going here! --Nevin P.S. I just checked the barcode for Step Ahead Software's address (10014-2822) and the last 8 bars are different as well. GEMvelope's barcode ends with: .|.....| and my bills end with: .|||...| Looking forward to your reply. ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 17 Mon Apr 06, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 19:08 EDT Nevin, Sorry for the delay in answering your questions. My computer went down 10 days ago. It is a serious problem (I and my Atari dealer have not been able to fix it yet). All, I intend to continue support and development on GEMvelope. Stay tuned! ...Roger @ Syngery Resources Member IAAD ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 18 Mon Apr 06, 1992 H.SCHEIE [HALS] at 20:53 EDT Have you recieved my reply to your questions re my ordering gemvelope, or should I re post it? Hal ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 19 Mon Apr 06, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 22:26 EDT Well, I've found the problem with your POSTNET bar code Nevin. There is a bug in GEMvelope. If your add up all the digits in your ZIP+4, and it equals a number evenly divisable by 10, then the end of the POSTNET is incorrect. This last "digit" of the POSTNET is a correction or checksum digit and there was a bug in my calculation and printing of this correction digit. An updated version of GEMvelop (Ver. 2.8 or greater) is available to all owners free of charge. Sorry for the problem, and thanks Nevin for finding it for me. BTW, both of your ZIP codes total to a value of 20 so that is why both of your POSTNET codes were incorrect. ...Roger Richards @ Synergy Resources Member IAAD ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 20 Wed Apr 08, 1992 S.WHITNEY [IAAD Member] at 06:04 EDT Roger, how did you figure out how to do POSTNET codes, anyway? --Steve ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 21 Wed Apr 08, 1992 B.GOCKLEY [Brian G.] at 10:36 EDT Roger, One of the reasons I got a DeskJet was to do envelopes! Gemvelope is by far the most flexible and powerful envelope printer (at this time) for the ST/TT. I really hope you make it Deskjet "sensible". I presently use the envelope printer from the Deskjet Utilities Pack, which is MUCH less sophisticated than yours, but is designed with the Deskjet in mind. Brian D Gockley ST Informer ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 22 Sat Apr 11, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 10:15 EDT Steve, Call your main Post Office. They have a packet of information on POSTNET coding of mail. It was free! If you need more info, feel free to ask. Brian, I would like to add specific support for the Deskjet. GEMvelope's main target is laser printers, but I know the Deskjet is very popular and it could use some special code to handle the envelope slot. I don't have a Deskjet (or any close by friends with one!) so that is the main thing that is holding Deskjet support up. Right now I am adding specific support for Tracker ST export files. I will look around for a Deskjet I could borrow- maybe something can be done. BTW, would ST Informer like to review GEMvelope? Which reviewer has a laser printer (Atari laser prefered) and might be interested? ...Roger @ Synergy Resources Member IAAD ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 23 Fri May 29, 1992 NEVIN-S at 00:20 EDT Hey, I don't want to steal Roger's thunder, but I want to say that a GREAT new version of GEMvelope is about to be released. Check out Category 6, Topic 23 for more info...or download file 24272...and of course, look for news directly from Roger in the next few days. I've been testing the new version of GEMvelope, and Roger has simply done a SUPERB job. It's great......! --Nevin ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 24 Sun May 31, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 13:55 EDT Yes, Nevin is right. I have made several improvements to GEMvelope. It provides new ways to extract addresses from popular databases like Tracker ST, Cardfile, or almost any other database. The GEMvelope Accessory is now specifically designed to work within Tracker ST. Check out the latest demo version (fully usable but limited), it is file number 24295. Through a special arrangement with Step Ahead Software, a registered version of GEMvelope is only $20 for Tracker/ST owners (1/3 off the regular price of $30)! It includes unrestricted program and desk accessory versions and other files for using and setting up GEMvelope. It also include FONTGDOS, printer drivers, and fonts (Dutch, Swiss, and Typewriter) for most printers. Send $20 + $2 postage (personal check or money order) to the following address: Roger Richards Synergy Resources 754 N. Bolton Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46219 If you have further questions, contact me at my GEnie EMail address: R.RICHARDS2 (317) 356-6946 ................................clip....................................... GEMvelope order form Name:_____________________________________________________________ Addr:_____________________________________________________________ City:________________________________ St:____________ ZIP:___________ Phone:_____________________________ Email address (GEnie prefered or CIS):___________________________ Would you order to be shipped by: U.S.Mail:______ or (if you already have GDOS and do not need it) GEnie Email:______ Please specify: Computer:______________________________________ Memory:____________ Printer:_______________________________________ Do you currently have GDOS and what type:___________________________ Suggestions:_________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 25 Sun May 31, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 20:31 EDT Request for input: Currently, GEMvelope works OK with the HP DeskJet but it doen't use the envelope feed slot. If I can find a DeskJet to borrow, I might be able to add a Deskjet printing mode that would be easier to use. What do you think. Is there a deman. Roger Richards Synergy Resources Member IAAD ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 26 Mon Jun 01, 1992 B.GOCKLEY [Brian G.] at 09:41 EDT Hi Richard, Hi Nevin, Fantastic idea, combining these two programs. I for one am very thankful for the effort. And YES, do the Deskjet thing!!! The Deskjet is destined to remain one of the most popular printers of all time - 300 DPI for $350! If there is one printer that will always be supported, this is it. Thanks again, Brian D Gockley ST Informer ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 27 Mon Jun 01, 1992 H.WOOTAN [Harry] at 11:07 EDT Roger, I'm updating my TRacker-ST and will take a look at GEMvelope. Sounds like it's certainly worth having. Can I print the address but suppress the bar code? I might not want it on ALL envelopes I print. -- Harry ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 28 Mon Jun 01, 1992 NEVIN-S at 23:03 EDT Harry...yes. I don't use the bar codes for some personal letters. One mouse click turns on/off the bar code printing. --Nevin ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 29 Tue Jun 02, 1992 H.WOOTAN [Harry] at 21:18 EDT Thanks, Nevin. ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 30 Fri Jun 05, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 00:26 EDT Harry, yes POSTNET barcode printing is optional. In fact, you have to have the ZIP+4 to print a POSTNET barcode. (Although, the postoffice does print POSTNETs for 5 digit ZIPs, they are the only ones allowed to do so.) ...Roger @ Synergy Resources ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 31 Sat Jun 06, 1992 A.MASON4 [Anna] at 15:29 EDT Count me in on the request for a Deskjet printing mode that allows GEMvelope to use the envelope feed slot! (Can I vote twice? ) Anna ;-) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 32 Sun Jun 07, 1992 E.KRIMEN [Ed Krimen] at 00:47 EDT I downloaded the demo of this program and it looks pretty good. I might be interested in purchasing a copy once I get my Deskjet. I'd like to make a few suggestions though. When installed as a desk accessory, don't make it dialog-ware. Treat it like another window. GEMvelope doesn't allow the user to access desk accessories, like the Control Panel, so FSM GDOS and FontGDOS adjustments must be done prior to or after running the program. I'd like to see a WYSIWYG display. If not that, then how about a preview mode, or something at least so I can see what my fonts look like? Sometimes I can't remember what Roman Typewriter Jubilee is. :^) There was something else I was going to say, but I can't remember what it was. :^) Anyway, nice job. Finally an envelope printer that makes you =want= to print envelopes on your printer. ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 33 Sun Jun 07, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 21:08 EDT Ed, The reason GEMvelope is dialog-ware at this time is due to limitations of GDOS and memory allocation from desk accessories. I am planning to produce a windowed version of GEMvelope for Multi-TOS but untill then, a windowed version of the GEMvelope desk accessory could cause your computer to crash. A preview mode is on the wish list and will probably get implemented in the future. Roger Richards Synergy Resources Member IAAD ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 34 Sun Jun 14, 1992 G.ZEPKA1 [Greg] at 15:34 EDT Roger, I use a Deskjet 500, and would like a program that prints envolopes on it easyly. The programs I have tried to not allow for it to work as well as it can (In both IBM and St world) Greg ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 35 Mon Jun 15, 1992 B.GOCKLEY [Brian G.] at 09:29 EDT Greg, Cardfile, Gemvelope and The Desk Jet Utilities pack are three I have used. They have their pluses and minuses, I tend to stick to Cardfile since I use it so regularly. Brian D Gockley ST Informer*s ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 36 Thu Jun 18, 1992 T.SHOEMAKER [Shoe] at 02:50 EDT I too would like to see the program take advantage of the Deskjet feeder. The Deskjet is a popular computer in Atariland. ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 37 Sun Aug 09, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 14:04 EDT Well, those who asked for DeskJet support, it's on its way! I'm just doing some beta testing first. It should be available in a couple weeks. I'll make an announcement when it is ready to ship. I've also added GEM window/menubar/MultiTOS support, and an optional line at the bottom left of the envelope for messages like "Personal & Confidential". If you are a registered owner of GEMvelope with a DeskJet printer and would like to be a beta tester, please Email me. ...Roger @ Synergy Resources Member IAAD ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 38 Fri Aug 28, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 06:19 EDT Apparently the FSMGDOS fonts that came with the recent WordFlair II upgrade are not compatible with GEMvelope. I've been getting three bombs if I try to run it after using WF II amd after rebooting. I have a different setup for Calligrapher, and am able to use its fonts, however, which I would not have expected to be compatible. Just thought somebody would want to know. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 39 Fri Aug 28, 1992 B.GOCKLEY [Brian G.] at 12:50 EDT Ken, Are you sure it's the fonts? I would have thought it was the alternate version of FSM that it came with. I have decided not to use that version because it also conflicts with Warp 9. try copying your old FSMGDOS back. Brian D Gockley ST Informer ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 40 Fri Aug 28, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 19:04 EDT Roger, Thanks for the info line. Now if you can add the optional graphic in the return address for a logo. BTW, if I use the last name on the return address area for my name and mailbox number, it will squeeze into the space between the logo and name and the street address on the my college's envelopes, so that little problem is solved (since I can't put it high enough to go above the logo). Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 41 Sat Aug 29, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 06:48 EDT Brian, I just know it stopped working when I got the new FSMGDOS. I don't what advantages the new version has, so I guess I could go back to the old one. I've set up things to disable the screen acceleration part of Warp 9 when I run WordFlair II to avoid the conflict. (I asked in the WordFlair topic a week ago if there was anything to the CodeHeads' allegation that Atari didn't want anyone distributing FSMGDOS, but they haven't answered me.) Anyway, I'll see if going back to the earlier version gets me GEMvelope again. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 42 Sat Aug 29, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 14:54 EDT GEMvelope 2.9 is now shipping! New features include: Database browse allows printing one or many envelopes with an address imported from a database file such as Tracker/ST or Cardfile. Special HP DeskJet support! GEMvelope uses and includes GDOS and drivers for the following printers: Atari SLM804/605, HP LaserJet compatible, HP DeskJet, Epson FX80/LX compatible 9 pin, Epson/Panasonic compatible 24 pin, Star NX1000, Okimate 20. A new text line is available and is placed at the bottom left of an envelope. This is for adding messages like "Attention: John Doe" or "Personal & Confidential". The program version runs in a window and supports a menu bar. Upgrades from version 2.0 - 2.1 is $6. Upgrades from version 2.7 or greater is $3. Send original disk to: Synergy Resources 754 N. Bolton Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46219-5902 ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 43 Sun Aug 30, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 14:51 EDT Ken, Sorry to hear you are having problems with the latest verson of FSM-GDOS. What message does FSM display when your computer boots? The reason I ask is that will help me get the proper version from Atari. Atari has not notified developers of the new version of FSM that Wordflair is now shipping. The fonts should not have changed, but I'm not sure of this. You say that GEMvelope bombs also after a clean reboot (not running any other GDOS programs)? I will look into this new version of FSM. I did not upgrade my version of WordFlair II because I got tired of being nickeled and dimed for what apeared to be basicly a bug fix update. GEMvelope works with Calligrapher fonts because it is very compatable with virtually all GDOS setups---until this latest flaver of FSM. I have heard lots of Wordflair owners having problems with this latest update. Inserting an IMG graphic on the envelope is still on my wish list. Will keep you informed. Roger Richards Synergy Resources Member IAAD ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 44 Sun Aug 30, 1992 M.OSTRANDER1 [Mike O] at 19:13 EDT The new version of FSMGDOS (version 3.0, 4/4/92 maybe -- I'll have to watch closely the next time I boot with it) which I received with my WFII upgrade this month works fine, for me, with the latest (2.9?) version of GEMvelope! on my system (MEGA ST4, TOS 1.02). - Mike ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 45 Sun Aug 30, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 23:09 EDT Roger, I'll check and get back with you on the FSM GDOS version. I've gone back to the previous version. They're both 3.0. The old one gives a date of 8/27/91 on bootup, and the new one gives 4/20/92. I have no idea about fonts. I just mentioned fonts in my earlier message because that was what I was accessing, and didn't realize the problem could extend beyond that. The main reason I bit on the WF upgrade was that it was supposed to print faster. I think it does. I'll probably upgrade GEMvelope soon. Go for the graphic! Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 46 Mon Aug 31, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 06:26 EDT Mike O, I already reported the same problem to Roger. I have a MSTE. It's 4/20/92. I went back to the 8/27/91 version to avoid crashes with GEMvelope. They're both 3.0. Roger, I wish I had gotten this program MUCH sooner. I like it better all the time. My friend with a MAC was green when I told him what it does. Ken Van Dellen ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 47 Mon Aug 31, 1992 M.OSTRANDER1 [Mike O] at 07:01 EDT Ken Van, Maybe I mistyped my previous note. What I meant to say was: GEMvelope! (2.9) and FSMGDOS (4/20/92, the "new" version from GoldLeaf in August) work fine together on my system. No bombs, no crashes, just clear, crisp envelope addressing. - Mike ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 48 Mon Aug 31, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 22:57 EDT Tonight, as I was printing an envelope, I got the message "Font not available", but the program got a font from somewhere, and printed the envelope anyway. Neat! Better than a bomb! Ken ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 49 Wed Sep 02, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 06:23 EDT Mike, Must be a difference between 2.85 and 2.9 that does the trick or I've got something goofed up. I got a crash with that FSMGDOS. Maybe I should try again. Ken ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 50 Thu Sep 10, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 00:16 EDT Ken, Mike, thanks for the FSM info. Ken, glad you like it! I got your upgrade request. When you get version 2.9 (which is the same as version 2.89 for you beta testers), I think it will fix your FSM problem. At least Mike doesn't seem to be having any problems. Hold onto your hats-- I don't have the 4/20/92 version of FSM but I just got a new beta FSM hot out of the oven to test. Roger Richards Synergy Resources Member IAAD ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 51 Fri Sep 11, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:56 EDT Roger, I'll be looking for it. I don't know what the benefits of the 4/20/92 FSM are, but maybe I should use it if I can. You're a beta tester for FSM? For Atari? Wonder why you didn't get the previous(?) version. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 52 Fri Sep 11, 1992 ST.REPORT [Ralph] at 08:01 EDT The benefits are it uses the readily available Bitstream Fonts... ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 53 Fri Sep 11, 1992 C.ALLEN17 [Cliff] at 20:04 EDT Dumb question #1 : Where do you find Bitstream Fonts? Cliff (Ashevillite) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 54 Sat Sep 12, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 06:46 EDT Thanks, Ralph. I'll look for the bitstream fonts. Does readily available mean PD? Inexpensive? Roger, the disk didn't arrive, yet. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 55 Sat Sep 12, 1992 ST.REPORT [Ralph] at 07:59 EDT Give Egghead's a call and you'll be able to get all the info you need about Bitstream Fonts. Type 1 Ralph @ STReport International Online Magazine ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 56 Sat Sep 12, 1992 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 09:22 EDT Cliff, Bitstream fonts are sold in retail outlets and my mail order. Pick up a copy of any PC magazine and you'll see lots of ads. Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 57 Sat Sep 12, 1992 C.ALLEN17 [Cliff] at 11:10 EDT {smack...thump} sound of right palm hitting forehead and brain engaging. Al, now why didn't I think of that? Now where did I hide the magazines? Cliff (Ashevillite) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 58 Sat Sep 12, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 23:26 EDT Ralph, And we can use their disks on the ST because we can read IBM disks, right? And Bitstream fonts work with GEMvelope, too. (To stay on topic.) I don't know how many of us read PC magazines, but I guess we can pick one up. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 60 Sun Sep 13, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 15:38 EDT I have not heard that the version of FSM GDOS being included with the latest version of Wordflair uses a different font format. Is there anyone out there who has this new Wordflair GDOS--can you tell me if the name of the font files changed? If they didn't, then they are still the IMAGEN fonts and that is basicly the same FSM we have seen, just a later revision. I did get a new version of FSM that uses the IMAGEN fonts. It states that it is FSMGDOS version 3.0 4/20/92. I have confirmed that it is incompatable with Warp 9. If you turn off Warp 9 with the control panel then it is OK. GEMvelope works fine with all versions of GDOS. The incompatability is with FSMGDOS 4/20/92 and Warp 9. It's no secret that Atari is developing a new version of FSM (SpeedoGDOS) that uses Bitstream's Speedo font standard. But this version has not yet been released. I have seen it and it looks very promissing but no one has distributed it yet because it is not yet finished. I don't recommend buying any Bitstream fonts yet. ...Roger @ Synergy Resources ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 61 Sun Sep 13, 1992 M.OSTRANDER1 [Mike O] at 16:35 EDT Roger, The latest WFII upgrade (August 92) included, apparently, the same version of FSMGDOS that you have: 3.0, 4/20/92. I didn't notice any difference in the fonts, from earlier versions. When I used the new GEMvelope with WFII, I already had Warp 9 disabled, since this conflict between the new W9 and the new FSMGDOS had been noted in another topic. I usually use G+PLUS (rather than FSM) and GEMvelope works smoothly for me with with Warp 9 and everything else I have loaded. Any time I'll be using FSM with a particular configuration, my boot setup disables Warp 9, so I never ran into a GEMvelope/W9/new FSM conflict until today, when I tried it out after reading your note. - Mike ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 62 Sun Sep 13, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 19:49 EDT Roger, The FSM fonts, whatever you call 'em (outline?) I have with the new FSMGDOS are the same as before. At least the same names. I don't use the bit-mapped ones. My setup for FSMGDOS uses WARP9 without the screen acceleration. That's the only part of it that has a conflict with FSMGDOS. Maybe my current GEMvelope would work with the new FSMGDOS if I totally disabled WARP9, and maybe the new GEMvelope, when it arrives here (Roger?) will work with the new FSMGDOS and my partially disabled WARP9. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 63 Wed Sep 16, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:57 EDT Roger, Besides that graphic, do you know what the next logical feature should be? Independent selection of fonts and text characterisitics for message line, address, return address. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 64 Thu Sep 17, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 21:11 EDT Roger, Did you ship my upgrade yet? It still hasn't arrived. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 65 Fri Sep 18, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 20:43 EDT Roger, Not here yet. I surely could have used it today. It should take only a couple of days from your place. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 66 Sat Sep 19, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 16:32 EDT Roger, You say you shipped on 9/10? The postmark was too faint to read, so I'll have to take your word for it. IT ARRIVED TODAY!! Only 9 days from Indianapolis to Detroit. Amazing! I like the extra line. I'll have to check out other features in the manual to see what they are. I guess I can go back to the new FSMGDOS now. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 67 Sat Sep 19, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 19:54 EDT Roger, Have you heard? The new version doesn't work with the newest WordFlair- supplied FSMGDOS, either. I got three bombs a couple of times, and it worked fine when I switched back to the previous version. Do you have the problem FSMGDOS? Do you need it? Would it be appropriate for me to send you a copy if you don't have it, since you're a developer? Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 68 Sat Sep 19, 1992 M.OSTRANDER1 [Mike O] at 21:10 EDT Ken Van, GEMvelope 2.9 works for me with the FSMGDOS I received with my WFII upgrade in Aug 92. I'm using a MEGA ST4, TOS 1.02, with a DJ500. - Mike ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 70 Sun Sep 20, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 17:52 EDT I'm using a Mega STE, TOS 2.06, with an SLM804. If I use the FSMGDOS received with the August 92 (I think -- I gave the date here earlier) WFII upgrade, everything works fine until I hit PRINT, and then I get 3 bombs. Roger, That's with the GEMvelope that arrived yesterday. Another upgrade suggestion... If you access a certain path, have it go back to that path. I often write letters in batches, and save them to a couple of folders. I'd like to go back to the same folder after I address the first envelope. I notice that now, the path is fixed on wherever the previously-run program is located. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 71 Sun Sep 20, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 20:27 EDT Ken, I recently got the latest version of FSM GDOS (the one that comes with the latest Wordflair II) and the only problem I had (bombs) was when Warp 9 was enabled. Do you have Warp 9 enabled? I will check it again without Warp 9. What is your system configuration? (TOS, RAM, printer, AUTO folder programs, etc.) ...Roger ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 72 Mon Sep 21, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:50 EDT Roger, Yes, I have Warp 9 enabled. Sounds like that might be it. I disable the screen acceleration part when I use WF II to avoid bombs with the Warp 9 setup. I'll add GEMvelope to the WARP 9 data file and see if that cures it. I'll let you know. Thanks for the suggestion. I think they patched Warp 9 to make it compatible with the previous FSMGDOS, but want to wait until the final version of FSMGDOS before doing it again. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 73 Mon Sep 21, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 08:07 EDT Roger, The new FSMGDOS works if you put GEMVELOP.ACC A0 in the data file for Warp 9. Whew! I'm posting this in prime time so you'll get it sooner. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 74 Wed Sep 23, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 22:45 EDT Roger, I thought SURE that putting GEMVELOP.ACC A0 in my Warp 9 data file would disable the screen acceleration on Warp 9, and let me use the new version of GEMvelope. That got rid of the bombs in WordFlair II with the newer FSMGDOS, and it worked the first time I tried it. I even posted a message to that effect in the Warp 9 topic. Today, I got bombs again. I don't know what's different. I guess I'll have to try disabling Warp 9 entirely. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 75 Fri Sep 25, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 00:54 EDT Ken, Good, the Warp 9 conflict makes sense to me. Atari changed something and in this latest FSM revison and caused Warp 9 to break. I have not heard if the latest version of Warp 9 fixes this (I have 3.60). I don't think the Warp 9 data file allows for disabling Warp 9 selectively for accessories. Will have to check that. Since Accessories are resident (except if you are using Multidesk Deluxe- which works fine with GEMVELOP.ACC), I don't think Warp 9 can switch on and off when you open an accessory. BTW, thanks for the info, but I can't afford primetime GEnie access so save your money! ...Roger ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 76 Fri Sep 25, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:54 EDT Roger, I thought it was the Warp 9 screen accelerator or whatever function that was disabled when you run the designated program (or access the designated ACC), so it seemed it would work. I have NOT verified a Warp 9 conflict, however. John Eidsvoog told me that Atari had asked that the latest FSMGDOS not be distributed, and Goldleaf is doing so against Atari's wishes. Goldleaf didn't answer when I asked. I can't afford prime time, either, but wasn't sure when I'd get on again, and wanted to get the message to you promptly, in case you were losing sleep over it. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 77 Fri Sep 25, 1992 POTECHIN [ Nathan] at 08:53 EDT Ken ... Any time that Atari makes changes to TOS, or, in this case, FSMGDOS, we all test out our software again. That only makes sense. If a conflict is encountered, it is figured out and corrected. Fortunately Calamus doesn't use GDOS or FSMGDOS and so we do not have to worry in this regard. :-) The sentence that you posted re: John and a Goldleaf comment is inappropriate though as it comes from neither Atari or Goldleaf. I suspect that there might just be a bit more to that story than is readily apparent. ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 78 Fri Sep 25, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 20:32 EDT Nathan, >The sentence that you posted re: John and a Goldleaf comment is > inappropriate though as it comes from neither Atari or Goldleaf. I >suspect that there might just be a bit more to that story than is >readily apparent. Sorry. I try to be appropriate, kind, and polite. John made the comment in the Warp 9 topic here within the last few weeks, so I considered it news and not gossip. He made a similar comment a day or two ago. See for yourself. He says (earlier and now) they changed Warp 9 to be compatible with the first FSMGDOS, and do not intend to make changes every time Atari comes out with another unofficial version of FSMGDOS. (That's as close as I can come to a direct quotation.) I responded that I can't blame him, but hoped they would release a compatible upgrade quickly when the official version is released. Maybe I shouldn't have asked Goldleaf if it was true, as John stated in the Warp 9 topic, that Atari had asked that FSMGDOS not be distributed, but I wondered if I was using a beta version or something. Their silence may mean something and it may not. I was trying to get a problem resolved, not stir up trouble, I assure you. That's the last thing I would want to do. I deplore some of the bickering that goes on between and about Atari developers, and have spoken out about some of that. If my statement really was inappropriate, I'm sorry I made it, but at this point I was only reporting my observations and experience, all of which are entirely truthful and not intended to hurt anyone. I'm sorry, also, that you misunderstood my intent. If you would like to discuss this further, perhaps we should use GEmail. I'd like to clear up what seems to be a misunderstanding. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 79 Sat Sep 26, 1992 J.WISNIEWSK2 [Jeff - ST'er] at 06:59 EDT Just to back up what Ken Van said, yes John @ CodeHeads did say that they will not change warp-9 everytime there is a new release of FSM-GDOS. That is until the final official version is released. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ JSW ^^^^ ^^^^ ST'er ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Saturday September 26th 1992 06:38 am ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 80 Sat Sep 26, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 08:49 EDT Thanks, Jeff. I appreciate the support. I sent Nathan a copy of the latest relevant Warp 9 messages via GEmail, too make it easy for him. I'm sure he could have found them himself, but just in case he doesn't, and can't get Darlah to help him, I thought I'd help. (Just kidding, Nathan!) There's more interesting FSMGDOS discussion in the Warp 9 topic. Enjoy! Please note that the Warp 9 data file will not work with ACCs. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 81 Sat Sep 26, 1992 POTECHIN [ Nathan] at 17:43 EDT Already resolved in mail. :-) Not to worry Jeff, I agree with the Codehead position in this regard 100%! Atari has never officially released FSMGDOS to the best of my knowledge. Ken, please accept my apoligies for any misunderstanding. Nathan @ DMC Publishing ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 82 Mon Sep 28, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 00:28 EDT Wow, never had this much activity in the GEMvelope topic! Too bad it isn't about GEMvelope (sob!). Just kidding here. About the FSM version thing, I remember that Goldleaf has a contract with Atari to sell FSM GDOS. The 4/20/92 version is the latest release version according to a brief statement that I received from Atari. Unless a developer is an FSM distributor (like Goldleaf) then I would not expect Atari to inform a developer (not that they shouldn't but just from the way they handle their products.) Anyway, since Warp 9 digs deep into TOS to work it's magic (and a good job it does!), it is not surprising that there can be incompatabilities with TOS extentions as major as FSM GDOS. Since FSM is not widely distributed, and a new version (SpeedoGDOS) is on the horizon, I can't blame them for their position. Although, I would like them to be compatable with the latest FSM. Roger Richards Synergy Resources Member IAAD ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 83 Mon Sep 28, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 06:27 EDT Nathan, Thanks for your clarification and apology. I'm sorry I thought you were accusing me of making an inappropriate comment. It wasn't clear what you were referring to, and I thought it was me, since your response was addressed to me. I'm glad it's settled. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 84 Tue Sep 29, 1992 NEVIN-S at 23:20 EDT Roger, just a short note to say that I used GEMvelope last night to address a few hundred envelopes...using the wonderful 'Continuous Merge' function. Thanks for a great program! Now, can you make my SLM605 pull the paper through the printer about 5 times faster? --Nevin ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 85 Sat Oct 03, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 12:50 EDT Nevin, Thanks for the industrial strenth test! It's re-asuring that it works under those conditions. Sounds like you need a laser printer with an envelope feed tray.... ...Roger @ Synergy Resources ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 86 Sat Oct 03, 1992 R.DEAN3 [GUNNER] at 14:52 EDT Roger; I got my Gemvelope in the mail last week and have noticed an occaisional problem with my registered version that I did not have with the DEMO version. Using a 520ST w/4megs, an ADSpeed and SLM804 Printer with G-Plus+ installed. If I save a GLP of an address before printing, when I initiate a print, the bee appears and the system seems to go to sleep. Only rebooting frees the system up. If I then load the same GLP, it prints fine... Any ideas? Bob ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 87 Sun Oct 04, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 15:53 EDT Bob, I checked out the scenario you are having problems with and it printed just fine, no lock ups. What version of SLM GDOS driver are you using? The SLM.SYS driver that comes with GEMvelope works with G+Plus (in addition to FONTGDOS) and seems quite solid. Do you use DC Data Diet? ...Roger @ Synergy Resources ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 88 Sat Oct 10, 1992 L.BUDNICK [Lorne] at 07:57 EDT Roger, Thanks for your rapid response in filling my recent order for ver. 2.91 of GEMvelope. I installed it with NO problem. I'm using FSM GDOS and after installing GEMvelope the only thing I had to do was to select the font I wanted to use from within GEMvelope. I've already put it to work printing envelopes on my DJ500. Thanks for a product that meets this users expectation very well. Lorne.... ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 89 Sat Oct 10, 1992 R.DEAN3 [GUNNER] at 17:34 EDT Roger; I am using G+Plus v1.5 instead of GDos. Yes I do use Data Diet, I am using the BETA release of version 2.0. The problem ony occurs if I save before I print... Bob ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 90 Mon Oct 12, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 00:32 EDT Bob, there are only two AUTO folder programs I have had problem reports with. The first is Turbo ST, the software screen accelerator. It has a problem with programs that open GDOS printer workstations (meaning, they use GDOS to print). It can mess up the screen and interfere with printing. The other program is Data Diet, and here the only incompatability is if you Dietize the GDOS printer drivers and fonts. Otherwise there shouldn't be any problems. Now I don't know anything about version 2.0 so you are blazing a new trail there. Let me know if you discover the incompatability. By the way, a customer reported that there are some misplacement of a few items in the GEMvelope window when run in ST medium resolution color. I confirmed this and have fixed it. This is only a cosmetic change. If you would like an update distributed via GEnie mail. Please let me know. Roger Richards @ Synergy Resources ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 91 Sun Oct 18, 1992 R.DEAN3 [GUNNER] at 12:19 EDT Roger; I don't think Data-Diet is causing a conflict, because everything works fine unless I save before I print. I'll try messing around with it and see what I can come up with. If you have the UUEncoder, I'd appreciate the update that way in E-Mail Bob ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 92 Mon Oct 19, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:58 EDT Roger, Did I suggest it would be nice if GEMvelope could remember where extraction occurred? When I write letters, they all go in one folder or another, and I'd like to go back to the folder once to address the envelopes. There's no problem if I do that right after I exit the word processor, but later, at least if I reboot, I have to go down the path to the folder for every letter. I find that annoying. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 93 Sat Nov 07, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 16:11 EST Hi! Can anyone tell me how to move the return address up about 4 lines and over to the left?? Can it be done?? It is much too far down & over to the right, on a business envelope right now.. I have tried everything... Thanks, <-:}Ted{:-> Saturday, November 7, 1992 - 3:56:40 pm ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 94 Sat Nov 07, 1992 M.OSTRANDER1 [Mike O] at 18:52 EST Gee, Ted, where would you _like_ the address to be? I use an offset of 0, envelope height of 4.125, and envelope width of 8.0 (even though the envelope is wider than that, I've been told that 8.0 is about the maximum setting one can feed to the DeskJet). My return addresses are reasonably close to the top of the envelope (about 1/4 inch, which is closer than USPS prints them on preprinted stamped envelopes). I agree, however, that they'd look better if moved farther to the left. Unfortunately, the DJ can't deal very flexibly with wide envelopes. Hope this helps.... - Mike ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 95 Sun Nov 08, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 16:38 EST >Message 94 Sat Nov 07, 1992 >M.OSTRANDER1 [Mike O] at 18:52 EST > >Gee, Ted, where would you _like_ the address to be? > >---------- Mike, I _would_ like it to be where it should be... :->... Thanks big guy, I _owe_ you one.. That makes about 1/2 dozen now, right?? :-> See ya, <-:}Ted{:-> Sunday, November 8, 1992 - 12:43:26 pm ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 96 Sun Nov 15, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 08:12 EST Ted, If Mike is right, that you have a DeskJet printer, then you have run into a limitation of the DeskJet envelope feeder. For some reason the DeskJet is designed to feed an envelope with almost a half inch of the left side of the envelope unprintable by the DeskJet. I tried my best to print as far left as the DeskJet allows. ...Roger @ Synergy Resources ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 97 Sun Nov 15, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 12:23 EST Roger, That may be true, and may not, about the DeskJet's ability to print close to the edge of the envelope... All I know is I had an envelope printer program that I have used for years.. It was called ADDRESS.PRG/ACC.. It was written by Greg Kopchack.. He somehow got the DeskJet to print within a fraction of the left hand corner & the top of the envelope.. It looked real nice and professional!! And the main address was centered prefectly right smack in the center, of a standard business envelope.. Now I have a Mega4STe with TOS 2.05 and I can't get it to run.. So I am/was desperately searching for something to replace it..Hence your program.. Maybe I should contact Greg and see if he'll update the program for me, or tell us both how he did it.. The only difference I can see is with Greg's program, I have to feed the envelope in manually, using the load envelope keys... Were as in your program it is done automatically.. BTW, thanks for the reply.... <-:}Ted{:-> Sunday, November 15, 1992 - 11:53:24 am ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 98 Wed Nov 25, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 22:33 EST * [WARNING LONG POST] * Hello, I purchased Gemvelope and I cannot for the life of me get it to print a decent looking envelope... What I get is: The return address about 1 1/2" down from the top and in about 1 1/2" from the left edge in.. Quite frankly it looks stupid.. When I adjust the settings, it seems that all I do is to start cutting off text and some letters from the return address.. I have even tried using the "exact settings" that one of your beta testers uses, and he gets a lovely print-out on his DesKjet.. Yet my envelope looks nothing like his.. I still get the same results.. Particularly annoying, and why I can not fool with the settings for any length of time is, if I print a second envelope, I get a huge 1,000 point font print of my return address, which just about covers the entire envelope.. So I must exit the program and re-load, or else I get the giant font print from then on.... Not a lot of fun.... :) Needless to say, all I have done so far, is wasted a lot of envelops, paper & time.. I would like to get to the bottom of this.. Any ideas why I cannot get it to print?? I don't think my system is that unusual, but maybe it is.. Could you perhaps offer some suggestions, so that I may use the program? I have a MSTe4 with a DeskJet 500 and what I feel are normal .ACC & Auto programs.. ---------------- Here is a copy of my AUTO folder: Directory: C:\AUTO\*.* DATADIET INF 820 Monday, November 23, 1992 7:07:30 pm CODEKEYS PRG 11,284 Friday, February 8, 1991 8:02:56 am CODE_RAM PRG 16,657 Wednesday, June 24, 1992 9:10:54 pm CSHOW63 PRG 32,138 Monday, September 7, 1992 4:39:34 pm DATADIET PRG 13,050 Tuesday, September 15, 1992 10:01:50 am DATARESC PRG 6,748 Wednesday, November 25, 1992 7:14:18 am DCSHOPIC PRG 6,830 Monday, November 23, 1992 5:01:02 pm DCSHOTXT PRG 6,034 Monday, November 23, 1992 5:01:10 pm DCSHOWER PRG 2,379 Monday, November 23, 1992 5:01:14 pm DMIRROR PRG 26,858 Saturday, September 12, 1992 1:00:14 am G+PLUS PRG 9,579 Monday, March 4, 1991 4:13:54 pm HOTWIRE PRG 115,186 Friday, November 22, 1991 8:16:40 pm MHZ PRG 392 Tuesday, September 15, 1992 11:59:52 pm REGACC PRG 3,372 Wednesday, May 8, 1991 10:13:32 pm UIS_III PRG 34,644 Saturday, November 2, 1991 11:36:32 am WARP9_ST PRG 64,412 Wednesday, September 30, 1992 9:13:42 am XBOOT PRG 56,314 Saturday, August 25, 1990 12:04:00 am DCSHOARC PRX 6,204 Monday, November 23, 1992 5:02:30 pm DCSHOLZH PRX 6,240 Monday, November 23, 1992 5:02:34 pm DCSHOSND PRX 6,428 Monday, November 23, 1992 5:01:06 pm DCSHOWIT PRX 5,018 Monday, November 23, 1992 5:02:38 pm SERIALFX PRX 3,069 Saturday, July 18, 1992 7:54:26 am SERPTCH2 PRX 3,888 Tuesday, April 14, 1992 1:01:30 am -------- ------------------- Here are my resident .ACC: Directory: C:\*.* SAMPLE ABR 634 Tuesday, November 24, 1992 1:09:06 pm CALL_UIS ACC 423 Thursday, May 2, 1991 4:44:56 pm CARDFILE ACC 92,625 Tuesday, September 22, 1992 2:39:16 pm MULTIDESK ACC 44,740 Tuesday, June 2, 1992 11:19:54 pm POPIT ACC 22,164 Tuesday, July 24, 1990 6:08:14 pm STENO ACC 45,738 Saturday, June 8, 1991 9:57:18 pm SENTRY ACX 75,836 Thursday, September 10, 1992 1:17:08 pm -------- ---------- Thanks, <-:}Ted{:-> Wednesday, November 25, 1992 - 6:32:22 pm ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 99 Thu Nov 26, 1992 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 00:08 EST Ted E. Try it with a clean system before giving up on it. I know this is a drag but with Superboot, Deskmanager, etc it is fairly easy. Same answer for your Spelling Sentry question. *******Brian********* Written on Thursday 26 November 1992 at 00:50 a.m. AST ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 100 Thu Nov 26, 1992 ST.REPORT [Ralph] at 06:11 EST Ted, please try again.... without the herd of auto programs. I use GEMvelope regularly without so much as a hiccup. Ralph @ STReport International Online Magazine ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 101 Thu Nov 26, 1992 M.OSTRANDER1 [Mike O] at 09:27 EST Ted, You're right: those sample envelopes you sent me ... SDB. Lucky thing you've got XBoot III so you can easily boot a "clean" system and spend Thanksgiving experimenting. I _have_ experienced your "giant font" phenomenon with my DeskJet, but it's always been operator error, rather than GEMvelope or any other program. If I interrupt the flow to my DJ (like turning the printer power switch off while the computer is still feeding it), the DJ starts back up in unpredictable font sizes when I turn the power back on and the rest of the printout comes over from the computer. Are you using a software spooler, by any chance? Keep us posted, please. - Mike ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 102 Thu Nov 26, 1992 G.LEONE [Gerry] at 21:21 EST Maybe someone can help me decypher what all the programmer-like codes are in the GemSound CPX. Specifically, what do these mean: F_Alert Fsel_Inp Fsel_ExI Menu_Tno Form_Do F_Dial F_Error F_Button Graf_Rub Graf_Dra Graf_Mbo Graf_Gro Graf_Shr Graf_Mou Any help would be appreciated! -Gerry ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 103 Fri Nov 27, 1992 M.ALLEN14 [Mike Allen] at 03:40 EST Gerry, Try cat 2/top 16. Most of these were IDed there. Mike Allen ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 104 Fri Nov 27, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 08:44 EST Brian, Ralph: Good idea!! I have Xboot, so it won't be difficult for me to "clean" the system & try Gemvelope that way.. I try it tomorrow when I get home.. Thanks, <-:}Ted{:-> Friday, November 27, 1992 - 7:49:48 am ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 105 Sat Nov 28, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 16:09 EST All First let me thank you all for the responses that you have given.. Here is what we found: 1. It _WAS NOT_ the spooler!! 2. It works with FontGDOS.. (But FontGDOS uses too much memory, is hard to install and slows down the printing on my DeskJet too much for me to use)!!! 3. Will not run with Word Up fonts. 4. Will not run with Publisher 1 & 2 Fonts. 5. We found that it works best with Calligrapher fonts.. 6. Now I have six different sets of font's and a huge Assign System file... Anyway we got it to work finally... <-:}Ted{:-> Saturday, November 28, 1992 - 3:04:40 pm ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 106 Sat Nov 28, 1992 J.WISNIEWSK2 [Jeff - ST'er] at 23:16 EST Here is Ted's message, reformatted: All First let me thank you all for the responses that you have given.. Here is what we found: 1. It _WAS NOT_ the spooler!! 2. It works with FontGDOS.. (But FontGDOS uses too much memory, is hard to install and slows down the printing on my DeskJet too much for me to use)!!! 3. Will not run with Word Up fonts. 4. Will not run with Publisher 1 & 2 Fonts. 5. We found that it works best with Calligrapher fonts.. 6. Now I have six different sets of font's and a huge Assign System file... Anyway we got it to work finally... <-:}Ted{:-> Saturday, November 28, 1992 - 3:04:40 pm ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 107 Sat Nov 28, 1992 M.ALLEN14 [Mike Allen] at 23:56 EST Ted, this is maybe kind of dumb question, since I have not really been following things here too closely, but could LINE_ARC be interfering? I have found that some GDOS programs don't like to have LINE_ARC installed. Just a thought since you had mentioned Calligrapher. Mike Allen ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 108 Sun Nov 29, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 00:39 EST Ted, I use it with the first FSMGDOS. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 109 Sun Nov 29, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 14:48 EST >Message 106 Sat Nov 28, 1992 >J.WISNIEWSK2 [Jeff - ST'er] at 23:16 EST > >Here is Ted's message, reformatted: >------------------ Jeff, & Mike Allen, Ken Van: Thanks for the reformat, Jeff! Mike, no I'm not using line_arc, I'm just using the fonts from Calligrapher at present... Ken, I don't have FSMGDOS.. Wish I did, tho!! Wanna 'will' me yours?? :).... <-:}Ted{:-> Sunday, November 29, 1992 - 10:08:18 am ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 110 Mon Nov 30, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 00:26 EST I would be interested in any technique that allows printing further to the left than the default for an envelope in the DeskJet. I tried everything in the manual and then some to make it work. I may have missed a technique though. Also, I am using graphics mode to print and maybe that is a limitation. ...Roger ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 111 Mon Nov 30, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:51 EST Roger, Is my idea for staying on a path doable? When I have several letters in a folder that need addressing, it would be nice to keep defaulting to that folder until I select another. Also, keep thinking about that graphic. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 112 Mon Nov 30, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 23:03 EST Ted, Sorry to here you are having problems. GEMvelope has proven to be fairly immune to most AUTO folder programs and desk accessories. The one big exception is the Turbo ST accessory. The other problem is with Data Diet and here it is a GDOS problem. You cannot dietize the GDOS drivers (.SYS) files, the .INI files or the font (*.FNT) files. This may be your problem. Although it would effect all programs that print through GDOS. I don't have any experience with the DC Shower AUTO programs so that might be a possibility. As I mentioned, Turbo ST and Data Diet are the only resident programs I have had any reports of conflicts with. The Data Diet problem is fixable as mentioned above. (For those of you with Turbo ST, buy Warp 9!) P.S. I just read your second message: FontGDOS in practice takes the least amount of memory because it loads fonts into a fixed size RAM buffer (you specify) and not a variable size (usually larger) RAM buffer that must contain all the fonts you have specified in an assign.sys file. Also, FontGDOS should not print slower than G+Plus- this should be a function of the printer driver and the ones that come with FontGDOS (and GEMvelope) are the fastest GDOS drivers that have been written on the Atari. As for fonts, other customers have had no problems with both WordUp and Publisher ST printer fonts. I didn't know GEMvelope would work with Calligrapher fonts and am surprised that they work better than the proven WordUp and Pub.ST fonts. Since Calligrapher has its' own non-standard GDOS font scaler I'm not sure what effect it has on other GDOS programs. I'm glad you have gotten it to work but I think it should be possible to simplify your GDOS and assign.sys setup. I usually use FontGDOS and have *one* assign.sys file that will work with all the following programs: GEMvelope, WordUp, Wordflair II, Easy Draw, and perhaps other GDOS programs. Roger Richards Synergy Resources Member IAAD ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 113 Mon Nov 30, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 23:18 EST I think I've stumbled across a bug. I checked out the postal code bar thingy with a 9-digit zip, and when I then went to a 5-digit. I forgot to cancel the code, and it retained the 9-digit zip and printed the bar. I think this should automatically cancel if the short zip shows up. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 114 Tue Dec 01, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 19:54 EST Roger, Thanks for your concern.. I sure appreciate the support, and I mean that.. It is an awful feeling to buy a program, and then be left standing in out in the cold with the problems... Roger, I found that I used almost 300,000 bytes of memory with FontGDOS installed.. Maybe I had too many fonts loaded?? I dunno.. I _could_ get it to work with WordUp fonts, but the return address was way to far in & down on the envelope and could not be adjusted without cutting off text.... And if I tried to print a second envelope I got huge-giant letters/fonts.. It (FontGDOS) seemed slow to me when printing?? Although I didn't give it much of a chance after I saw the memory it had sucked up, & what I was left with.. I have 4 meg's on my Mega STe, and I need 1.5 to 1.6 meg, when I go to print with Word Up.. If I have less than that I get partial page print-outs.. I have normally 1.8 on my system.. With FontGDOS installed I was down to 1.3 or so.. Not enough to keep Word Up happy.. So I dismissed Font GDOS completely.. I also found that (FontGDOS) doc's were hard to understand, and somewhat hard to install it properly, at least for me anyway.. I will look into the DataDiet / GDOS problem.. But if my memory serves me correctly, I have only one partition Dietized, (where I store all my data naturally), and GDOS and GEMvelope are on a different partition completely.. I think that since FontGDOS is a temporary stopgap, until SpeedoGDOS is ready, I will wait for now, and take a long hard look at the 'new' GDOS, and see if it is any better?? Anyway, I finally got it working with a lot of help from everyone, here.. The Calligrapher font suggestion came from your beta tester, the 'famous' Mike Ostrander.. ;-) Thanks Mike!! Thanks, (Roger, Jeff, Joe, et all)... <-:}Ted{:-> Tuesday, December 1, 1992 - 10:41:02 am P.S. I don't use Turbo ST, I have Warp9 installed... ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 115 Wed Dec 02, 1992 M.OSTRANDER1 [Mike O] at 06:38 EST Ted, Aside from the fonts, which DeskJet driver are you using as Device 21 in your ASSIGN.SYS file, now that you've got GEMvelope working on your system? I'm glad you had some measure of success, finally! I was about to offer you a "good deal" on a lifetime supply of Avery address labels, now that I use GEMvelope more and more instead of the labels. - Mike P.S. You're welcome for whatever contribution I may have made. ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 116 Wed Dec 02, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 23:21 EST Mike, Much thanks and you're welcome.. I get GEMvelope working.. The output is still not as neat as yours.. My return address is over and down to far, but I can live with it.. Here is a copy of my assign file.. See what you think... I have no idea what driver I am using, or where I got it?? <-:}Ted{:-> Wednesday, December 2, 1992 - 11:05:38 pm PATH=C:\TOOLS\GEMVELOP\FONTS\ 01p SCREEN.SYS 02p SCREEN.SYS 03p SCREEN.SYS 04p SCREEN.SYS 05p SCREEN.SYS 06p SCREEN.SYS 07p SCREEN.SYS ATSS10CC.FNT ATSS12CC.FNT ATSS18CC.FNT ATSS24CC.FNT ATTR10CC.FNT ATTR12CC.FNT ATTR18CC.FNT ATTR24CC.FNT 08p SCREEN.SYS 09p SCREEN.SYS 10p SCREEN.SYS 21 deskjet.sys dummy.fnt atss12ls.fnt attr12ls.fnt ------------------ ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 117 Wed Dec 09, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 21:39 EST Ken, Yes, I will remember the path for extraction on the next release. I currently do on the Merge selection but not the Extract. Probably a silly oversight on my part. ...Roger ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 118 Fri Dec 11, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:51 EST Thanks, Roger, on the path for extraction. Sorry I had to badger you, but I don't remember getting a response on it before. That will be a big time-saver for me, and get rid of major annoyance. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 119 Sat Dec 19, 1992 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 11:41 EST Ted, FontGDOS has a configurable font cache called BITCACHE in the EXTEND.SYS file. I have mine set to about 130K. That and the RAM for FontGDOS itself is all that it consumes. With older versions of GDOS (including G+Plus) when you run WordUp (or some other GDOS printing app) all fonts in your ASSIGN.SYS file are loaded into RAM, that could easily be more than 130K with just a few fonts. So although FontGDOS takes more RAM up front, GDOS apps (the ones that need those 4 Megs of RAM) have more RAM because no more RAM is allocated for fonts after that. It is complicated and Atari's docs are poor but FontGDOS does a much better job of memory management than other GDOSes. Of course you should set the BITCACHE to something smaller, at a minimum, it must be as large as the largest single font file loaded. As for your ASSIGN.SYS file, try the DJ5.SYS driver that came with GEMvelope. It will work with old versions of GDOS as well as Font and FSM GDOS. It is fast. Ken, I will look at the 5 digit ZIP bug you found. ...Roger @ Synergy Resources ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 120 Tue Dec 22, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 18:23 EST Roger, Thank you for your post from Saturday 12/19/92.. Sorry, I'm not getting back to you until now, but my twin sons graduated from college this past weekend and I have been 'off the air' for 5 days, a record absence for me... :) I tried 3 different times to get FontGDOS installed, with limited success each time!! Finally I had a very experienced friend from my user group come over and he spent six hours until we finally got it to work properly.. But it will not work with WordUp's assign system at all.. And if I use the driver that comes with FontGDOS, Word Up wants to skip about 6 additional lines from the top of the page.. Also the printing with Word Up is _MUCH_ slower, using FontGDOS.. I also get an unwanted form feed using FontGDOS and Word Up together.. We are still working on this.. I have Xboot, so the work around is to reboot, load Word Up with it's own Assign.sys file and no FontGDOS, just it's own fonts and it seems to work this way.. Also another program that I use a lot (First Graph), does not like any of the FontGDOS fonts.. Arrgghhh... I get two bombs when I try to print a graph.. I also found that I use close to 300k with FontGDOS loaded on my system.. I will be glad when SpeedoGDOS is finally available.. I just hope it works as "advertised", by Atari.. Question: Will you update GEMvelope to work with the new GDOS?? Thanks, <-:}Ted{:-> Tuesday, December 22, 1992 - 11:25:42 am ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 121 Mon Dec 28, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 18:50 EST Roger, Thanks on the 5-digit bug. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 122 Mon Dec 28, 1992 J.KRZYSZTOW [JEFFREY] at 19:32 EST Richard, After using GEMvelope a couple of days, here some stuffs I'd like to see in a future version: 1) Instead of arrow keys, how about a plus (+) where the arrow would be increasing the number, and a minus (-) where the arrow would be decreasing the value. The current way is a little confusing. 2) When ending the lines, how about supporting to go to the beginning and end of the current line and to go forward and backward to the next space character?? 3) How about keyboard short-cuts for things like Load, Save, Print, etc.?? 4) Does GEMvelope set the page size for GDOS to the envelope size? I would like to use continuous feed envelopes and postcards to do mailings, will GEMvelope form feed the default page size of the printer driver or to the beginning of the next envelope? 5) How about a HELP screen with the abbreviation of all the states?? I really like this program a lot! Jeffrey ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 123 Sun Jan 03, 1993 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 08:55 EST Ted, Sorry to hear you have experienced incompatabilities between FontGDOS and other apps. I occasionally still use WordUP but it is mostly to export old docs for use in Wordflair. Unfortunately, WordUp was abandoned before all the bugs were worked out of it. I will be supporting SpeedoGDOS, in fact I already have a beta of it, and it works fine with GEMvelope. Roger Richards Synergy Resources Member IAAD ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 124 Sun Jan 03, 1993 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 13:19 EST Thanks for the suggestions Jeffery. They are useful. Roger Richards Synergy Resources Member IAAD ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 125 Wed Jan 06, 1993 T.EVANS21 [] at 20:57 EST >Category 2, Topic 19 >Message 123 Sun Jan 03, 1993 >R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 08:55 EST > >Ted, > >Sorry to hear you have experienced incompatabilities between FontGDOS and >other apps. I occasionally still use WordUP............. >------------- Richard, Thanks for the reply! Yes, I still use Word Up.. I have found it does everything I need to do, and will continue to try using it and working around the imcompatabilities.... I too wish it was still supported... <-:}Ted{:-> Monday, January 4, 1993 - ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 126 Sun Jan 24, 1993 J.KRZYSZTOW [JEFFREY] at 18:04 EST Richard, I was using GEMvelope's Merge feature to print out envelopes from a CardFile 4 data file. I want to use the 1 by 1 feature, but the first two lines in the CardFile 4 data file do not follow the same format as the rest of the data file. Is there a way to use the 1 by 1 feature and not have to delete the first two lines of the CardFile 4 data file first? If so, how?? If not, could you add a way in the next version??? Also, since GEMvelople always rotates the text, how can I use continuos feed envelopes??? They don't want the text rotated. Jeffrey ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 127 Sun Jan 24, 1993 J.KRZYSZTOW [JEFFREY] at 18:12 EST Richard, One more thing, could you support the Install Application for .GLP files? It would be Most Excellent!!! Jeffrey Hope I'm not being to much of a pest?? ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 128 Tue Jan 26, 1993 J.KRZYSZTOW [JEFFREY] at 23:16 EST Richard, I think I found a bug in the MERGE function. I turned on PostNet printing and the first one that was printed had a valid Zip Code for PostNet, but the second one did not have a valid Zip Code for PostNet so it printed the PostNet for the first one again. It continued printing the last valid PostNet for envelopes that should not have had a PostNet. I hope you understand what I said. Jeffrey ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 129 Wed Jan 27, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:47 EST Jeffrey, Richard understands you. I found the PostNet bug a few months ago. It bugs me, too. Richard says he'll fix it in the next upgrade. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 130 Thu Jan 28, 1993 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 22:42 EST Jeff, I have not looked at Cardfile 4 yet. I guess I should! GEMvelope currently only supports continuous feed of envelopes on a laser printer. Cardfile might be able to handle the continuous feed dot matrix envelopes directly. Thanks for the info on Cardfile 4. The install app feature is not that hard to implement. It takes some code and I thought that it would not be used much in an app like GEMvelope. I'll look into it for the next rev. I have a fix for the PostNet bug you reported. I will Email it to Ken and you soon. Sales of GEMvelope have been very slow so I have not paid it the attention I should have. Roger Richards Synergy Resources Member IAAD ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 131 Fri Jan 29, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:59 EST I had the GEMvelope demo for a year or two before I seriously used it. Now I'm really involved with it and wouldn't want to be without it. I'll look for the PostNet fix. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 132 Fri Jan 29, 1993 T.EVANS21 [] at 18:46 EST Roger, Just a note. I finally got GEMvelope to work properly with WordUp.. I could not get it to work right with FontGDOS, and besides I did not want two huge folders of fonts taking up room on my very little left for anything hard drive.. I have GEMvelope set up to use the WU fonts and now I am using the program every day.. I have worn out the send feature in CardFile.. :) Later, <-:}Ted{:-> Friday, January 29, 1993 - 8:02:20 am ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 133 Sat Jan 30, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:28 EST I wonder if it's possible to get 9 x 12 envelopes without the metal clasp. If so, I wonder if they would fit through the laser printers and if GEMvelope would adjust large enough to put addresses on them in the right place. I could check the last part by just experimenting, but I'm thinking out loud while online. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 134 Sat Jan 30, 1993 R.SNYDER6 [Roger] at 13:20 EST 9x12 envelopes are avalable without the clasp as either open end (catalog) or with the flap on the side (booklet). I would try 24# white wove as the most likely to work in a laser printer, but realise that you can have as much as four thicknesses of paper on an evelope. --Roger ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 135 Sun Jan 31, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 18:15 EST Roger, The program will support the large envelopes, I hear you saying. I note that even a regular business envelope has four thicknesses of paper under the flap, so the printer might take the others. Maybe I should ask in the SLM804 topic. I'll let you know. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 136 Mon Feb 01, 1993 R.SNYDER6 [Roger] at 20:59 EST I just checked the programs author--I'm a different Roger. I don't know about the program, but having a print shop I know a bit about envelopes. --Roger S. ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 137 Mon Feb 01, 1993 S.LAPHAM1 [Scott L.] at 21:53 EST I think the thicker envelopes would have a better chance of working with an SLM605 than an 804 as the 605 has the option of feeding the paper straight through the printer and out the back without bending 180 degrees to get to the top delivery area. It's the reason I waited for the 605 over the 804 in the first place. Cheers. Scott L. ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 138 Mon Feb 01, 1993 R.SNYDER6 [Roger] at 22:21 EST I just checked the programs author--I'm a different Roger. I don't know about the program, but having a print shop I know a bit about envelopes. --Roger S. ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 139 Wed Feb 03, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 06:23 EST Thanks, Roger S. I didn't read your name very carefully, did I? Oh, and I heard you the first time. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 140 Sun Feb 07, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 14:03 EST Roger Richards, Roger- I also would like to get the Postnet fix. I don't use GEMvelope a lot, but do use it religously. Not much correspondence from my end, but given the distance my mail has to travel to get somewhere, anything I can do to speed it along would help. - What did you do to get it to work with WordUp. I tried and tried to get it to be stable as an ACC and never succeeded. I use G+PLUS, and eventually created a special Assign.Sys file with one of the WU fonts renamed to the Atari name. I wanted the font on the envelope to match what was inside. Right now I exit WU when ready to print envelopes. Thanks, Ken ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 141 Sun Feb 07, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 15:12 EST Apparently GEMvelope doesn't work with Calligrapher. It comes up with the end of the file, with lots of strange code, rather than the address. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 142 Mon Feb 08, 1993 T.EVANS21 [] at 22:22 EST Ken, I do not use Gemvelope as an accessory.. I use it as a program, so I can use the 'send' feature of CardFile accessory!! I never did try to get it to work while in Word Up! What I was talking about here a couple if days ago, was getting GemVelope to use Word Up fonts.. I had an awful time getting that to work right.... Arrggghhhh! Get CardFile.. It's worth the $$ and will also dial the phone for you, and it's a nice database.. The 'send' feature works nicely with Gemvelope... Later, <-:}Ted{:-> Monday, February 8, 1993 - 8:42:56 pm ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 143 Tue Feb 09, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 23:01 EST I found cheating and copying and renaming a WU font to be easier. :- ) Sits all by itself in its own folder, G+Plus handles the rest. Ken ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 144 Wed Feb 10, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:42 EST Jason, As a big CardFile fan, I second your praise. But CardFile will send into a DA, too. Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 145 Wed Feb 10, 1993 T.EVANS21 [] at 18:45 EST >Message 143 Tue Feb 09, 1993 >K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 23:01 EST > > I found cheating and copying and renaming a WU font to be easier. :- >) Sits all by itself in its own folder, G+Plus handles the rest. >---------- Ken, Hmmmmmm! Never tried that!! It does present possibilities.. :) <-:}Ted{:-> Wednesday, February 10, 1993 - 7:59:50 am ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 146 Wed Feb 10, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 22:48 EST Email if you want more info on what I did. :-) Ken ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 147 Thu Feb 11, 1993 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 18:40 EST Ken, If you could Email me a small Calligrapher file with a typical address in it I'd be glad to take a look at it. Roger Richards Synergy Resources Member IAAD ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 148 Fri Feb 12, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 00:38 EST Roger.... Actually, I don't know anything about Calligrapher. As it turns out, Calligrapher does not do landscape print, so my idea of macros, etc, won't work. Word Perfect does do landscape, which is why the idea works there. I just bought a used TT system, got it yesterday, and it includes a copy of Calligrapher 2 Gold. If you still want an CAL file, let me know via email and I'll figure out how to get what you want. No extra work for me, as I was going to buy CAL to replace Word Up anyway. Ken ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 149 Fri Feb 12, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:50 EST Roger, I'll send you a Calligrapher file. Thanks. Ken Springer, I think Roger was talking to me. ;^) Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 150 Fri Feb 12, 1993 M.OSTRANDER1 [Mike O] at 08:05 EST I've tried Calligrapher 3 with GEMvelope and here's what I observe: Calligrapher does not update the files in CLIPBRD while Calligrapher is running. If I copy an address within Calligrapher and then open GEMvelope as a non-resident accessory within MultiDesk Deluxe, the address is not in CLIPBRD for pasting into GEMvelope. (In fact, the CLIPBRD files are the ones that were there from whatever used them _before_ Calligrapher was run.) Interestingly, Calligrapher updates the CLIPBRD files when you _exit_ from Calligrapher. After exiting Calligrapher, I can run GEMvelope as an accessory and immediately paste the last address (or whatever was last in Calligrapher's "clipboard area") into GEMvelope. However, the last character in the CLIPBRD file is repeated in the GEMvelope address area, yielding, for instance, a ZIP+5 code. There may be more to this, but I have not investigated further. (MEGA ST4 with TOS 1.02, if that's relevant.) - Mike ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 151 Sat Feb 13, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 01:04 EST Ken Van - And so it goes! :-) Ken Springer ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 152 Wed Feb 24, 1993 J.KRZYSZTOW [JEFFREY] at 01:49 EST Richard, Anything new on the GEMvelope front?? Eagerly awaiting a new version!! Jeffrey ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 153 Wed Feb 24, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 08:00 EST Richard, Did my CAL file get through OK? Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 154 Sun Feb 28, 1993 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 19:42 EST I just finished a minor rev of GEMvelope that fixes the automatic checking of the ZIP+4 for PostNet right before printing. This should fix the bug as reported here. Also, the extract file path is now remembered. I Emailed a copy to K.VANDELLEN to test. If anyone else (registered users only) would like an EMail copy, let me know. Roger Richards Synergy Resources Member IAAD ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 155 Wed Mar 03, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 06:34 EST Roger, I haven't tried it out, yet. I haven't written any letters since Saturday, but might fake it with scrap paper and previous letters. I'll let you know what happens. Thanks. Later.. The file date confused me at first. Especially when I couldn't get it to do either of the new things. I eventually discovered I had the old version in two places on my hard drive, and MultiDesk Deluxe was set to look at the one I hadn't changed. Then, it locked up because it wanted the .RSC file with the .ACC. I hadn't had it with the .ACC before, and it worked. Putting the .RSC file with the .ACC got it going. BTW, you have to make an .ACC version, if you want to run it that way, folks. When I finally ran it, it worked fine, except when I quit, the computer locked up with the FILE and EDIT menu selectors showing on the top of a blank screen. I tried it as a .PRG, and it ran as advertised. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 156 Thu Mar 04, 1993 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 23:30 EST Ken, the .PRG version of GEMvelope is only a program. Although there are rummors that all you need to do is rename the extention to .ACC for it to run as an accessory, that is not true. Only use the file that is named an .ACC as the accessory version. BTW, the accessory version does not require a .RSC file, the .PRG version does. Roger Richards Synergy Resources Member IAAD ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 157 Fri Mar 05, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 08:01 EST Roger, You know your program better than I, so I shouldn't argue with you about it, but I renamed the .PRG of the special version you recently sent me as .ACC, and put it in my MDX folder. I now run it with MultiDesk Deluxe. It wouldn't run (gave me a message that it was terminating because it couldn't find the .RSC file until I put the .RSC in the same folder. Then it ran OK, and had the upgrade features we talked about. So the ACC and PRG versions are separate and different? The special upgrade had only a PRG and an RSC. I originally set it up to run as an ACC because I wanted to run it from within WordFlair II, but that takes to much memory to do so with the SLM804. If I have to use the clipboard to use it with Calligrapher, I'd like to continue to use it as an ACC, because I can put only one address at a time into the clipboard. It works fine now as an ACC, except it locks everything up when I quit. I guess I'd better go back to be sure what is happening, but I know I'm running it from MDD. I come up with version 2.92, but the special version may not have a new number. Do you now what is happening? Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 158 Sat Mar 06, 1993 R.DEAN3 [GUNNER] at 17:34 EST Roger; I'd like to get an E-Mail copy if possible... Robert Dean Las Vegas... Registered Owner ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 159 Sun Mar 07, 1993 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 17:48 EST Since the version I Emailed out to a few of you was a beta, I thought I would see if any bugs turned up before I distribute the accessory version. Will Email the accessory out to the 2.92 testers soon. And yes, although it might seem to work to rename the .PRG to .ACC, it is *not* coded to operate properly. The .ACC version should work fine from MultiDesk depending on how much memory is available. One downside to the SLM is that it takes alot of memory and Atari's drivers do not intellilently handle multiple applications using the same printer. ...Roger ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 160 Mon Mar 08, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 08:00 EST Thanks, Roger. We'll have to be careful not to believe all of the rumors we hear. Changing the name worked fine except for the lockup at the end. Interesting! We'll see what happens with the ACC. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 161 Sat Mar 13, 1993 O-ZONE [Flakes] at 14:45 EST Is a demo of this program available? ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 162 Sun Mar 14, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 17:06 EST Flakes, It's in the library. Do a search. Sorry I can't give you the number. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 163 Sat Mar 20, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 08:21 EST Roger, Another idea for an update or the next version... Can the choices for print, quit, etc., be keyboard selectable, too? I understand they are on some programs. It would be nice not to have go back and forth to the mouse. Maybe CodeKeys would do the job, otherwise. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 164 Sat Mar 20, 1993 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 16:18 EST O-ZONE, There is an older version demo as file #24295. Roger Richards Synergy Resources Member IAAD ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 165 Thu Mar 25, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 21:14 EST Roger Has anyone ever reported any conflict between GEMvelope and Calligrapher 2? Ken S. ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 166 Fri Mar 26, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:24 EST Ken, I've encountered no conflict. GEMvelope just can't read CAL2 files. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 167 Fri Mar 26, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 22:27 EST Ken Van For some reason, when CAL2's Line Arc and Pick auto folder programs are enabled, GEMvelope crashes on my system. It could be interaction with another program. Just wanted to know if it was a known problem before spending hrs. looking for the conflicting parties. :-) Ken S. ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 168 Sat Mar 27, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:28 EST Ken, Oh, I see you're talking about a different kind of compatibility problem. I run GEMvelope as an ACC, and only with WordFlair, since it can't read CAL2's files. Roger and John Eidsvoog were working on the problem, but apparently the CAL2 files are coded and not accessible. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 169 Sat Apr 03, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 10:00 EST KEN VAN and ROGER My conflict between GEMvelope and Calligrapher 2 seems to be tied to Neodesk 3.03. If I exit to the Atari desktop, it works just fine. Guess I'll mosey over to the Neodesk topic and see what I can find out. Ken S. ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 170 Sun Apr 04, 1993 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 08:34 EDT Ken, I do not have Caligrapher but I do know that its' LineArc auto folder program provides scalable fonts in a manner that tries to be like GDOS. It is possible that GDOS programs are fooled by this and do not function properly. Do other GDOS programs you might have work OK if LineArc is loaded? Also, I don't know what Pick is. If one of the Codeheads would Email me LineArc I'd be glad to check out the possibility of a conflict. Roger Richards Synergy Resources ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 171 Sun Apr 04, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 15:08 EDT Ken, I can't help with that. Roger, GEMvelope is working fine for me, but I'm having some problems currently with FSMGDOS and Wordflair II. This gave me a good chance to read the messages that come up when FSMGDOS boots. In case there still is a question about that, here they are. GDOS Font Cache Size = 0 GDOS FSM Cache Size = 460800 FSM enabled FSM GDOS Version 3.0 8/27/91 GDOS Font Cache Size = 0 GDOS FSM Cache Size = 460800 FSM enabled FSM GDOS Version 3.0 4/20/92 MultiTOS compatible resident I hear good things about Speedo GDOS. John Fox at Goldleaf just raved about it on the phone, Friday. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 172 Sun Apr 04, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 15:34 EDT Roger, LineArc is built into the latest version of Calligrapher, and doesn't go into the AUTO folder anymore. PICK is something that's used with PostScript. I don't know anything more about it because I don't use PostScript. Ken Van Dellen d8^) Too many Kens in this topic! ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 173 Tue Apr 06, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 21:32 EDT Ken Van, John Eidsvoog confirmed a conflict between GEMvelope and Line_Arc. They did work at trying to find the problem, but can't remember now why they didn't finish. I currently use GEMvelope as a prg, but when I get some TT ram installed, will try it as an accessory and see what happens. Thanks for the help. Also, seems NeoDesk has nothing to do with it, I think. I thought the problems were all software related, but am now leaning toward a hardware problem related to the internal HD. The previous owner, whom I believed to be much more knowledgable about the TT than I, reported to me similar symptoms of operations. Got to thinking about that, so removed the internal HD and am booting and running from an external drive on the DMA port. Much, much better. No lockup on bootup since removing internal drive. Looks like more money going out the door. Now over to Gribnif with the tale of woe. :-) :-) Ken S. ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 175 Sat Apr 24, 1993 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 23:31 EDT Ken (Van D.), It looks like you are running two versions of FSMGDOS there. I assume you don't get all of that boot message at once. If you do, it looks like you may have two versions of FSMGDOS in your AUTO folder. Does GEMvelope work well with your FSMGDOS configuration? ...Roger Richards Synergy Resources ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 176 Sun Apr 25, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 14:56 EDT Roger, It appears that you have picked up some of my messages in other topics. I've lost the ability to use GEMvelope, but I'm on the track of the problem. Yeah, I have the earlier and later versions of FSMGDOS. I'm working on getting DeskManager to load the correct FSMGDOS with the correct ASSIGN.SYS and EXTEND.SYS for each program. I think there's a little disagreement among them. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 177 Wed Apr 28, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 06:23 EDT Roger, I reinstalled FSMGDOS (next to last one), and put the ASSIGN and EXTEND files under different names where DeskManager could find them. It loads them when I run my GEMvelope setup. It copies EXTEND as a special file. It works fine. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 178 Sun May 09, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 20:35 EDT Roger, A suggestion for the next version, if someone else hasn't already beat me to it. It would be nice to be able to reenter a continuous merge operation after clearing a paper jam. I have an 804 and version 2.91, and after clearing a jammed envelope, had to manually print the remaining envelopes or else start all over and hope for no jam. If it's already possible, please tell me how. Ken S. ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 179 Sun May 16, 1993 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 17:10 EDT All, The new demo of GEMvelope in the ST library (#28684) is version 2.92 and does not have any new features from 2.9. There is no need for you to upgrade unless you have version 2.8x or earlier. Ken, I will check into improving recovery from a paper jam. Roger Richards Synergy Resources ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 180 Tue May 18, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:51 EDT Roger, You surely had us going there for a while! Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 181 Sat May 22, 1993 O-ZONE [Flakes] at 12:53 EDT I downloaded the demo of this program and tried it out using the limited GDOS system I've been able to establish on my computer. The print came out very small. I would like to order this program but I have but a tenuous grasp on GDOS. I have several other programs that utilize this feature but none of the manuals thouroughly explain its operation or most important, how to assamble an effective ASSIGN.SYS file. Before I commit my $30 I'd like to learn more about how GDOS works. Can anyone suggest an appropriate book or perhaps even a file in the library. Also, My Panasonic KX-P4410 laser printer has 2 sliding holders that load the envelope in the middle of the printing area. Let's see if I can draw it... | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ^ | | | | | Paper feed ||||||||| ||||||||| | | | | | | | | | | | _________________________ My artistic skills are questionable but in order to use this system effectively I would need to offset the return address about 2 1/2" and I'm not sure if the program will do this. Will it? And finally, I would enjoy the abilty to scale and insert my company's logo with the return address in .IMG format. Any plans in this regard? ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 182 Sat May 22, 1993 B.SALDANA1 [BOB S] at 20:08 EDT Roger, I tried the demo of GemVelope and was wondering would it work with Speedo Dos. Also the option of importing? addresses when it pops up in the left side with the arrow to scroll for an addresses does the full version allow you to scroll or is it one line at a time? It would be neat to be able to scroll back and forth quickly with an up and down arrow. Bob S. ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 183 Sat May 22, 1993 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 22:19 EDT Flakes, The reason you are getting very small print is that you have no GDOS printer fonts installed. GEMvelope comes with fonts and a driver for Laserjet compatable printers and instructions for installing them. Since I had to licence the fonts, I could not include them in the uploaded demo. There is no support for .IMG graphics at this time. Other customers have the Panasonic laser printer so it should work for you, if not, return your disk for a refund. Roger Richards Synergy Resources Member IAAD ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 184 Sun May 23, 1993 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 00:48 EDT Bob, GEMvelope is compatable with Speedo GDOS. The address import is a one way scroll. I will look into reverse scroll for a future release though. Roger Richards Synergy Resources Member IAAD ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 185 Mon May 24, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 06:22 EDT Flakes, I couldn't think of the name of the file I wanted to mention to help you with GDOS, but, fortuitously, it was mentioned in another topic on this very pass. It's GDOSTXT2.ARC. Download this. I think it will help you understand GDOS. You'll have to get the necessary GDOS fonts, etc., from a program that includes them. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 188 Thu May 27, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:45 EDT Roger, My disk came back yesterday. Thanks. I see you're still hand-addressing your envelopes. Let me tell you about a neat computer program I have.... Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 189 Fri May 28, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:23 EDT Ken, The author of GEMvelope is hand-addressing his letters? Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 190 Fri May 28, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:23 EDT Al, Yup. He surely is. His handwriting isn't too bad, though. I'm glad I have a program that let me leave that behind. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 191 Thu Jun 10, 1993 O-ZONE [Flakes] at 18:08 EDT Forgive me if someone has already mentioned this but when I was playing around with the "Setup..." button so that I could merge my Cardfile .DAT file I noticed that the setup diplayed in the .TXT file included with GEMvelope was incorrect. It was probably designed with an earlier version of Cardfile that had differently numbered fields. Soon I discovered what the new designations were and was able to configure the setup correctly. However, When you select the "Browse" button, the program shows the entries using the old number system where the numbers 1, 2 and 3 correspond to "date last edited," "time last edited" and "group" respectively. Because the length of each entry line only includes so many characters, I am unable to select an address due to lack of information and cannot scroll left or right. Is there any way I can fix this problem or would an updated CARDFILE.GLP have to be written? ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 192 Thu Jun 10, 1993 R.WALTERS7 [Randy] at 18:25 EDT Roger I am having problems with using the merge feature with CardFile 4. I use the browse function and select a name but then the date and time appear first and only the name follows. (no address) I have CardFile sorting on the group field. I then resorted on the name field and the results were the same. I had to run a conversion program on the DAT file when I upgraded to 4. Is there a new GLP file available for CardFile 4? Any help is greatly appreciated. Regards Randy ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 193 Thu Jun 10, 1993 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 21:57 EDT OK OK, Yes I sometimes hand address orders because it is faster than powering up the Atari system. If the system is powered up, I print the envelope with GEMvelope. ...Roger ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 194 Fri Jun 11, 1993 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 00:48 EDT Flakes & Randy, Thanks for the information. There will need to be a revision of GEMvelope to fix the problem you found. I will be fixing this and announce its' availability in this topic. The update will be free. Thanks. Roger Richards Synergy Resources ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 195 Fri Jun 11, 1993 B.GOCKLEY [Brian G.] at 09:34 EDT I too had problems with the Cardfile 4 file; I was unable to browse them, or keep them in memory for reuse later. Hope the update works out! Brian G. @ ST Informer Magazine ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 196 Fri Jun 11, 1993 JIM.K [Jim~ST Sysop] at 11:22 EDT Roger, That's OK, we'll forgive you. They say that confession is good for the soul, so as your penance, you'll have to open the envelope with the order that I mailed yesterday! Jim Kudron 11Jun93 10:44:18 ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 197 Sun Jun 20, 1993 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 14:12 EDT All Cardfile 4 owners: I have a fixed version of GEMvelope that fixes the Browse function so that you can see the information in the records that is significant. This is a minor revision and it is available free to all who Email me with a request. Remember, this only effects the Merge Browse feature of GEMvelope. This revision is numbered 2.93. Roger Richards Synergy Resources Member IAAD ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 198 Sun Jun 20, 1993 B.GOCKLEY [Brian G.] at 18:33 EDT Thanks Roger, I knew I liked this company! Brian G. @ ST Informer Magazine ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 199 Sun Jun 20, 1993 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 23:18 EDT GEMvelope and Speedo GDOS users: It has been reported that there is an incompatability when SpeedoGDOS and Warp 9 are running together. This combination causes a bomb when you try to print. This is a message from Charles Johnson at Codehead: From: CODEHEAD Charles F. Johnson To: R.RICHARDS2 Roger L. Richards cc: J.EIDSVOOG1 John Eidsvoog Sub: Warp 9 Reply: Item #4224788 from R.RICHARDS2 Roger, Yes, there is a conflict between SpeedoGDOS and Warp 9. We'll be looking into it soon. In the meantime, there are two ways you can work around it, until we get a chance to solve the problem: 1. Disable Warp 9's screen acceleration before printing, using the Warp 9 Control Panel, and re-enable it when printing is finished. 2. Use Warp 9's .DAT file to automatically turn off screen acceleration before running the program that uses SpeedoGDOS. - Charles @ CodeHead Tech ---------- Roger Richards Synergy Resources Member IAAD ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 200 Mon Jun 21, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 06:22 EDT Roger, I use Cardfile 4, but have not used Merg Browse. Maybe I should have the upgrade just in case. Please. Ken ------------ Category 2, Topic 19 Message 201 Mon Jun 21, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:11 EDT Roger, Thanks. I wondered why I couldn't use SpeedoGDOS when I was supposed to be able to. I'll try it again. Ken Van ------------